Early Childhood Programs

We are currently accepting applications in all classrooms at this time! 

The Lily Pad Daycare is licensed for 59 children. There is an infant room that cares for 1-year-olds and can accommodate up to 6 children, a toddler room that cares for 2-year-olds that can accommodate up to 15 children and a pre-school/school aged room that cares for 3-12-year-olds that can accommodate up to 38 children. Age, development and current enrollment distribution will be a factor in determining where your child will be placed. The teachers make this transition as smooth as possible and will be extra attentive to your child during any transition until they are acquainted and comfortable with their surroundings.

Toddler Room (From young infants to toddlers)

We know how important memories are and we love to start those wonderful memories early! Our teachers provide a caring, soothing and happy environment for our young infants. Their daily needs are addressed with smiles and frequent eye contact as they receive loving interaction throughout the day. There is plenty of cuddle time and each baby receives individualized attention.

Toddler Room (2 year olds)

During the transition into the toddler room, your child will move from dependance to independence, learn to use their words to express themselves, and start the potty-training process. In the toddler room, your child will begin to have the same schedule as the other children and eat, nap and play at the same time. Your child will be introduced to a more flexible class like routine. Your child will be introduced to colors, shapes, numbers and letters to prepare them for pre-school. Here the teachers will model, teach and praise positive behavior throughout the day.

Preschool (3 to 5 year olds) and School-Aged Room (6 to 12 year olds)

Our preschool program revolves around the children learning to help themselves and getting along with others. During the day, your child will begin to learn the feeling of independence.  Your child will also have more social interaction with others and are encouraged to make choices for themselves and cooperate with others as well as listen and follow directions. During the day, the classroom teachers lead the children in small and large group activities, such as movement, read-a-loud stories, circle time and art activities. The children are encouraged to make friends, share and communicate with their classmates. The preschool children work on their handwriting skills, colors, shapes, and numbers. Your child will rotate to a variety of learning centers which offer items to help stimulate young imaginative minds. The school-aged children will also enjoy an array of activities, have study time and time to play in the newly renovated playground area.

Summer Program (All ages)

During the summer months, The Lily Pad Daycare provides a special summer program as well as local field trips. Special activities that are educationally appropriate and fun that interest our young children are planned. The Lily Pad wants your children to enjoy their summer break and works extra hard to implement these extra special activities.

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